
Saturday, 26 October 2013

Outfit: HOUNDSTOOTH dress

   Houndstooth is one of the trendiest prints for this season, but has it ever been unfashionable?
Houndstooth gets its most popularity in the 60s, after then Chanel has also contributed to the promotion of this textile pattern.
    There is something truly magical in this black and white print that makes every outfit very stylish and memorable!
  Пепит е един от най-актуалните десени за този сезон, но той въобще излизал ли е от мода някога? Всъщност, най-голяма популярност пепитът получава през 60-те години на миналия век, след което Chanel също допринася за популяризирането на този принт.
 Има нещо наистина магическо в тази черно-бяла щампа, която превръща всеки тоалет в изключително стилен и запомнящ се!

Monday, 21 October 2013

October issues

Hi, girls!
How often do you read fashion magazines?
Здравейте, момичета!
Колко често четете модни списания?

Monday, 7 October 2013

Happy 1st Birthday to my blog!

   Hi, gorgeous!
  I can't believe that yesterday was the first birthday of my blog! The last year has gone so quickly!
 To you, who are reading this post, I just want to say: Thank you so much for reading, commenting and following! It means so much to me!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Coffe and Art

   Happy Wednesday, girls!
 My day begins with a lot of coffee, chokolate and a lot of art. Every day is different, but I like to start it in the same good way!
How do you like to start your day?

   Денят ми започва с много кафе, шоколад и много творчество! Всеки ден е различен, но обичам да го започвам по същия прекрасен начин!
А как предпочитате да започва вашия ден?