
Thursday, 20 November 2014

Fashion combination with Victoria's secret

Are you excited about the Victoria's secret fashion show next month? I just can't wait... :D
 Вълнувате ли се вече за предстоящото модно шоу на Victoria's secret през следващия месец? Аз наистина нямам търпение..:)

Monday, 17 November 2014

Tidestore black friday sales

   Hello, gorgeous!
The winter is almost here and I started to prepare my new closet for the season. I choose my clothes very carefully, considering three things: my personal style, fashion trends, and the financial budget, of course.
  If those three criteria are decisive for you too, view the wide variety of very attractive products offered by you can find a really beautifull clothes in a variety of colors with detailed description.Тhe descriptions are extremely useful for me, because when I order clothes from the internet, my biggest concern is wheather the size I have chosen is a perfect fit for my actual sizes.
   If you have already looked at and you have liked the products they offer, I am glad to inform you that from 26 -29 November they will have a Black Friday Sale: with really attractive offers. 

  The next pages are my favoryte articles from the site. What do you think?

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Fashion illustration: Blond ambition

Hello, girls!
Every time, when I say that this time I will start to post on my blog regularly, it's never happens. Lately I spend more of my free time drawing, and have almost no time for fashion photographs, so I will continue with showing mostly illustrations in my next posts. 
I'm leaving it all up to you to decide whether you will continue to follow my blog.
Здравейте, момичета!
Всеки път, когато си кажа, че започвам да публикувам редовно в блога, така и не се получава. Напоследък отделям все повече от свободното си време в рисуване и почти никакво за модни фотографии, затова ще продължа да ви показвам предимно илюстрации и в следващите постове.
Оставам на вас да преценете, дали ще продължите да следите блога ми.